Landing beaches to get automated premix fuels dispensing units
Hon. Hawa Koomson, Minster for Fisheries
Landing beaches across the country will soon have automated premix fuels dispensing units installed for them.
This, according to the Fisheries Minister Mrs. Mavis Hawa Koomson will weed out smugglers and hoarding activities as well as enhance fishers’ access to the fuel.
It will enhance service delivery andsafetyas only fishers with smart cards will be served at the automated pumps.
The minister was addressing aquestionby the MP for Upper Manya Krobo Bismark Tetteh Nyarko on measures to enhance fishing activities at Akateng and other fishing communities in his constituency. He asked that the selling points be increased from 5 to the original 11 asat 2018. The reduction of selling points, according to the MP, is a contributory factor to the smuggling and shortage of the product.
She however said “as we speak now, we don’t even know the number of fishers who draw this fuel. That is why we are working on automation to give us the information. So when we realize that the 5 delivering points are not enough, the ministry and the agency will not hesitate to increase the numbers.”